Organic Foods – An Expensive Option But There Are Ways To Save Money Buying Organic There’s little doubt that many people are making the decision to switch to organic options wherever possible. However, one of the biggest issues confronting most of us wanting to do this is cost! Organic products […]
For many people, dealing with allergies is a way of life. Allergies can be caused by a number of things. What Is An Allergy? An allergy is what happens when your body tissues are unusually sensitive to, or react abnormally to, an allergen. Among the most common allergens are pets […]
Are you thinking about making the switch to organic food products? Or perhaps incorporating some organic products into your current lifestyle? The first question to ask yourself is – do you truly understand what ‘organic’ means? When you wander around the grocery store, you’ll probably see products carrying labels that […]
Movement, sensation, emotion, and thought all use energy and nutrients for their processes. Neurotransmitter chemicals, hormones, and simply regenerating tissues require nutrients. Even thinking relies on biochemical processes. Everything we do or feel requires nutrients. Tension magnifies these demands. Health & Nutrients Essentials What we call stress is a reaction […]
The secret is out: there are ways to boost your cognitive function legally and safely. Nootropics, a class of nutraceuticals, smart drugs, and dietary supplements, provide users with increased focus, enhanced short term memory, and improved clarity. Nootropic stacks – synergistic combinations of these compounds – have the added benefit […]
Royal jelly, as it is commonly known, received its name for good reason. The substance is a secretion that comes from certain glands in honey bees. This secretion is gelatinous, and used to feed both the queen bee and young larvae. In fact, the only difference in development between a […]
The Healthy Breakfast Guide – If the words vending machine or drive through are in your response to the question, “what’s for breakfast today” then you may be setting yourself up for sluggishness, shortage of energy, and difficulty concentrating the rest of the day. Breakfast was once an event that […]
About Proteins, Carbohydrates, Calories: The first basic thing to remember is that calories are the measure of the energy taken in, and the calories taken in must be less than the calories used in order for weight loss to occur. Since we all know this, it is easy to see […]
Though turmeric powder has been used in Eastern culinary techniques for centuries, it isn’t all that well known in the West. A member of the ginger family, the turmeric plant is native to the warm, humid forests of Southern Asia. In India and Thailand especially, its culinary value is ubiquitously […]
In the medical community, resveratrol is a substance that’s been making quite a few waves as of late. The substance is found naturally in several plants, including the skin of grapes and some other fruits. It’s synthesized by plants when they suffer an attack from pests or pathogens, and is […]
With the recent rise in interest for healthy foods in the West, perhaps no other item has been discussed and analyzed more than green tea. Its many health benefits – some scientifically supported and others with little backing evidence – have accounted for a huge worldwide increase in green tea […]
Fish oil does not sound too pleasant, and has echoes of ‘cod liver oil’. But actually, if you like fish, then it’s easy to cook delicious dishes with oily fish. Varieties that are particularly rich in oil are mackerel, sardines, tuna, salmon and anchovies. If you are not too keen […]