The June Shannon Weight Loss Story: Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Star June Shannon Now Trimmer And Fitter The fascinatingly awful, or must watch television, depending on your perspective and standards, reality TV show Here Comes Honey Boo Boo turned its main protagonists into stars (of sorts). The main one […]
Julie Moore
Warning: You are at risk of sabotaging your hard work at trying to lose weight! But don’t let this alarm you too much, with the tips in this article you can easily avoid any of these setbacks. 5 Things You’re Doing That’s Hampering Weight Loss & What You SHOULD Do […]
DIABETES There are several types of diabetes mellitus: Type 1: is the insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) because of an insulin deficiency. (the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas have been destroyed). It requires insulin treatments. Type 2: is the non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). It is a disease of nutrient storage and […]
The Fit For Life program was designed as a way to permanently lose weight. Fit For Life is not a weight loss program but a “way of eating” designed to last you a lifetime. The Fit for Life program does not involve diet drugs or diet pills. It is not […]
Most women complain of having love handles on their hips that they really don’t love. In this article I want to show you how you can lose your love handles quickly and with a lot less hassle. Losing love handles alone is impossible As you all probably know by now […]
Acai berry juice (pronounced “ah-sigh-ee”) has been consumed for hundreds of years by the Natives in the Amazon rain forest of Brazil for its nutritional value. This is where the small, dark purple, marble or grape-shaped super fruit grows in large clusters near the top of the Acai palm trees. […]
Eating 0-5 is THE major premise of all of my books and workshops. It’s how I lost 50 pounds over 22 years ago and have kept it off since then. Eating 0-5 works to lose weight down to your goal size and stay there for life. Here’s how to eat […]
The juice diet is a type of detoxification diet. Also known as juice fasting, it restricts the diet to fruit and vegetable juices. This juice diet plan is somewhat similar to the dietary habits practiced ages before the invention of fire. There are various reasons why people choose a juice […]
If you want to lose weight you’ll need to begin by utilizing a high quality diet program weight loss strategy. 64% of people in the US are overweight – the importance of maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is paramount but with media hype and the ever shifting ideas of perfection […]
If you are determined to find a way to stay healthy the safest and the most natural way, then you should have a look at natural cleansing diets. This form of diet is capable of providing you the kind of health that you have barely imagined. In fact, it works […]
Let’s face it… You’re tired of reading and watching washed up weight-loss advice and hearing “theories” from these so called “Experts”. It’s time to pull back the curtains and share with you exactly what the experts don’t want you to know… U.S. Stories & World Report has recently conducted an […]