Towards Living A Healthy Lifestyle
3 Diet Program Weight Loss Plan

3 Diet Program Weight Loss Plan Keys

If you want to lose weight you’ll need to begin by utilizing a high quality diet program weight loss strategy. 64% of people in the US are overweight – the importance of maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle is paramount but with media hype and the ever shifting ideas of perfection it can be difficult to decide on the dieting path that is right for you.

With so many diets out there it is often difficult to choose which one is best suited to you – there are low carb diets, low fat diets, high protein diets, starvation diets, calorie shifting diets and ridiculous diets! From Atkins to the Flat Belly Diet, the South Beach diet to the Zone diet and on to the ridiculous diets like the cookie diet and the cabbage soup diet – finding the right diet program weight loss plan really can be a chore.

The goal of this article is to show you some key facets that any eating strategy you utilize should employ – when your diet program weight loss plan follows the following guidelines you will know you have found the best quick weight loss diet for you:

3 Diet Program Weight Loss Plan Keys

1.) Ensure your chosen weight loss diet program is focused on the long term.

There are a remarkable number of fad diets out there that promise extreme weight loss in a very short space of time. Normally these kind of quick fix diets are to be avoided unless you are simply seeking fast weight loss for a wedding or in order to get in shape for some other special occasion.

Realize that weight loss of more than 2-3lbs per week is likely to be made up more of muscle wastage and water weight rather than fat – your ultimate goal should be fat loss. By using a diet program weight loss plan that is focused on long term weight loss success rather than a quick fix; you will ultimately encounter greater fat loss success and that really is the key to looking healthier, fitter and more attractive.

2.) Make certain that your lose weight fast diet is sustainable.

Remember with drastic diet program weight loss plans you are likely to lose a lot of weight in the short term but this will mostly be muscle and water weight and fast weight loss like this is usually unsustainable. Drastic starvation type diets are the ones most commonly associated with the yo-yo dieting phenomenon that I’m sure many of you are familiar with – initial rapid weight loss is most often offset by fast weight gain once the drastic diet program is finished with; leading the dieter to jump back on another, different diet and so the sequence repeats! By choosing the correct diet in the first place you will avoid this problem!

A severe cut in calories is never a good idea, dropping more than 20% below your maintenance level for any length of time is likely to cause your body to start it’s “starvation mode” which will see the metabolic rate drop immensely and cause you to retain fat stores and instead utilize muscle for fuel.

Choose a diet weight loss program which encourages slow and steady fat loss (yes, fat loss!) of 1-2 pounds per week, if you do this you will find you are able to stick with the diet over the long term and you will get far better weight loss results overall. Diet program weight loss plans like this don’t feel like a diet – it’s just healthy eating!

3.) Choose a well balanced diet program weight loss plan.

Healthy eating brings me to my final diet program weight loss plan key – ensuring your chosen plan is well balanced. Now what do I mean by that? Well despite what some popular weight loss forums tell you, (I was banned from a couple for venting my views on this – some people just don’t want to change!) all calories are not created equal! I don’t care if you are eating less than your maintenance level by 15% each day – if all of your calories are coming from fat your body composition is going to become skewed in fat’s favor! That’s why they say – you are what you eat!

Having a balanced overall nutrition plan means selecting food from all food groups (fat as well!) with lots of fruits and vegetables as well as whole grains, lean protein and “good” fats. Some things to avoid would be heavily processed foods or foods with high levels of refined sugar in them. Also watch out for “bad” fats, also known as hydrogenated fats or trans fats – these are usually found in candy bars and fast food!

So there you have your 3 diet program weight loss strategies to help you crack the fat loss code fast!