Are you looking for any weight loss pills that work? Give Maqui Berry a try!
If you’re looking to buy any weight loss pills that work like maqui berry, you are not alone. This wonder berry has received much media attention and the buzz really took off when Rachael Ray briefly mentioned the berry on her popular daytime talk show.
People who are interested in this unusual berry are wondering if they should buy maqui berry for a weight loss aid, or just for all its other health benefits.
Here, we’ll take a close look at the maqui berry, the research regarding it’s weight loss benefits, why so many news sources are talking about it, and the best supplement choices available in today’s marketplace.
Due to all the talk of Maqui Berry super supplements in the news, a lot of people are searching for maqui berry reviews to see if they should buy maqui berry for fat loss. People want to know if it’s the real deal or just a useless product.
Pure maqui berry extract is definitely beneficial, but what people have to watch out for are the cheap, low-quality supplements that are flooding the market. These imposters are nothing more than expensive “sugar” pills. So you could end up with either a highly effective supplement, or an expensive bottle of junk.
Based on all of our research, there are several brands available to purchase, online and offline. Some reviews attested to the fact that users experienced weight loss, while other positive reviews did not mention any weight loss benefits at all, but instead expressed the experience of having less pain in joints and having much more energy.
Lets take a closer look at this unique berry and examine it’s complete profile of benefits…
Much of the reason this berry has received so much attention, is the research on it’s very high antioxidant properties, strong anti-inflammatory benefits, and antibacterial activity.
We’ve all been told to get more Omega-3 in our diets for the health of our cardiovascular, brain, nervous system, and weight regulation. But this super berry contains Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 oils in potent concentration. It is such a nutrient-dense, high protein food, that it can be used as a complete meal on its own.
In reading some of the maqui berry reviews, one particular nutritionist on a health forum noted that the maqui berry is one of the most nutritious foods found in the Amazon; rich in all minerals, all B vitamins, high fiber content (which is always a huge weight loss helper), very high in protein, and a complete Omega-3-6-9 beneficial fatty acid profile.
Another popular health news media channel stated that the berry is perfect for diabetics, or anyone who wants to regulate their blood glucose. Just take your Maqui Berry super supplements during or after a meal and you’ll suppress blood glucose, regulate energy and prevent the formation of new fat cells.
What Other Benefits Can I Expect If I Buy Maqui Berry?
As we’ve learned within our research and reading maqui berry reviews, there is much more to this powerful berry than just weight loss benefits. Further research on this powerful berry has revealed a host of other benefits derived from supplementing with maqui.
Firstly, what exactly is this berry and where does it come from? The maqui berry (pronounced mah-kee) is a species of the Elaeocarpaceae family; the botanical name being aristotelia chilensis and the common name, known as Maqui or Chilean Wineberry. This special berry grows in the fertile Valdivian rainforests.
The Valdivian temperate rainforests, named after the city of Valdivia, are situated on the west coast of lower South America. They grow mainly in Chile, but extend into a small part of Argentina.
The native people of southern Chile and southwestern Argentina, known as the Mapuche Indians, harvest the bulk of maqui berries sold commercially. Not unlike the famed Hoodia Gordonii, consumer demand for the maqui berry has rapidly increased as research results on it’s anti-aging, weight reduction, and healing properties are made public.
First, lets look at the powerful antioxidant activity of the maqui berry. You’ve likely heard of both antioxidants and ORAC values when it comes to the antioxidant properties of foods.
Antioxidants are the beneficial molecules that neutralize harmful free radicals in our body. Those harmful free radicals, if left unchecked, cause serious damage (rusting of the body) that can show up as inflammation and cell damage ranging from cardiovascular disease to cancer.
Everyday life-style and environmental stressors create enormous amounts of free radicals – more than our bodies can naturally fight off. The presence of sufficient antioxidants, however, neutralize and rid our bodies of these dangerous free radicals and toxins, which are responsible for body deterioration and massive weight gain.
Now, here’s where the super powers of the maqui berry enter the picture. The most powerful antioxidants are measured by ORAC values. ORAC, which stands for “Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity” is a measurement of the antioxidant capacity of a food; the higher the ORAC value, the greater the antioxidant protection, and the more efficient that particular food is at getting rid of those damaging free radicals.
In the past, foods such as blueberries were touted as having a high ORAC capacity, but take a look at this – Here’s a chart showing the ORAC values of blueberry, pomegranate, acai, and maqui fruits:
Wow – the maqui berry has an astounding ORAC value of 27,600! That makes it one of the most powerful super supplements found yet. So, goodbye to toxins and free radicals and hello to radiant health, vitality, and a healthy weight.
Due to such a high ORAC value and the ability to keep our bodies healthy and young, anyone supplementing with Maqui Berry can also expect the following benefits:
A Radiant, Smoothe, Even-Toned Complexion:
- Enjoy a more firm, glowing complexion – see a dramatic reduction of age–induced wrinkles, acne, and dark hyper-pigmentation due to sun damage.
Reduction of Inflammation and Disease:
- Prevent and control diabetes by regulating insulin through control of blood glucose
- Prevent the growth of all types of cancer cells
- Reduce inflammation in the body and prevent cardiovascular disease and deterioration of joints
- Help protect brain and prevent neurological diseases
- Antibacterial properties offer protection from food illness and digestive problems
Maqui Berry Ingredients and Label
Each serving of 1 capsule contains:
* 75mcg Chromium as polynicotinate (a natural mineral with many benefits too numerous to mention, but mainly regulates blood glucose levels and reduces food cravings),
* 225mg Green Tea Leaf Extract (well known for it’s weight loss and antioxidant effects),
* 135mg EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate-a powerful antioxidant derived from green tea),
* 200mg Caffeine,
* 50mg pure Maqui Berry extract, and
* 8mg L-Theanine (a highly beneficial amino acid which has a relaxing effect, and strengthens the immune system).
The 200mg of caffeine is the approximate equivalent of about 2 cups of coffee, so it is recommended that you cut down on other forms of caffeine while taking these capsules.
Are There Any Maqui Berry Side Effects?
It is very difficult to find even one negative side effect of either eating maqui berries, or taking a maqui berry supplement. But you have to remember that the native people of Chile and Argentina have eaten this berry for hundreds of years, due to all of it’s powerful benefits, so the only side effect we have uncovered is the effect of better health.
This supplement does not contain mass produced chemical compounds that are often found in dangerous over-the-counter products. This is a natural supplement containing the raw, pure extract from a wild South American berry with powerful healing properties and beneficial effects.
An Important Note on Supplements and Where To Buy Maqui Berry
Remember that any supplement, no matter how beneficial and powerful it is, is not a magical potion that will immediately transform you into a slim, healthy person, with no work on your part.
No one can expect a supplement to completely do all the work for a person who eats too many fatty, high-calorie, processed foods and never even goes for a walk.
Super supplements are wonderful aids to assist our bodies in staying or becoming younger, healthier, and more fit, but we also have to do our part, to some extent. If you are someone who cares about your health and just needs an added boost to reach your goals faster, then supplements will work well for you.
But if you plan on eating a poor, high-fat diet while sitting around watching TV all day and you think that you can just pop a supplement to fix your life, without having to make any effort whatsoever, then you may as well give up now.
Granted, even in that scenario, taking an ultra-healthy antioxidant would definitely help you in getting some proper nutrition into your body. And yes, you would not get as many colds and you’d have better colon and digestive health, but you likely would not lose those unwanted pounds.
So, be realistic with your health and weight loss goals and use supplements as an aid, not as a replacement for good living.
Another thing, know that all maqui berry super supplements are not created equal. Beware of inferior products that do not contain pure, potent, natural ingredients.
When you buy maqui berry, know that some products are only “dusted” with a small amount of the actual maqui extract in quantities that would have no benefit to the user. Or worse, are made with artificial, synthetic ingredients of questionable origin.
There are some unscrupulous companies that enjoy selling high-priced placebos to unsuspecting consumers, but you can always tell by a company’s guarantee and reputation to guide you.