Cinnamon, one of the most identifiable spices in the world, is a pretty unique substance. It comes from the inner tissue of cinnamon trees native to India, Sri Lanka, and other countries in South East Asia. People native to these lands have known of cinnamon’s usefulness for some time. In […]
Nutrition Facts
Apples, perhaps more than any other food in history, have been almost universally recognized as a healthy food. Each one of its several thousand varieties, or “cultivars”, as they’re known in the plant world, has the same beneficial properties. Though it originated in Asia, the domesticated apple tree is grown […]
One of the world’s most popular nuts (though it’s botanically a seed), the almond is a well-loved snack in every corner of the globe. The seed itself comes from the deciduous almond tree, which is native to the Middle East and a few sections of Southern Asia. For thousands of […]
When one thinks of Italian food, perhaps the most immediate spice that comes to mind is oregano. The plant, which itself is native to the temperate climates that surround the Mediterranean Sea, is a staple in the diets of many other nearby cultures as well. It is often used as […]