The Chinese and Japanese swear by its medicinal benefits. That’s why they consume it by the gallons throughout their lifetime. Their extended lifespan, usually free from debilitating diseases may well prove their claim. Western research is catching up to validate what these cultures have known all along: that this most […]
Tod Rimmer
3 posts
Despite the conscious minds that we try to have every day, some things simply cannot be avoided. For example, while we all try to live clean and healthy lives, due to the nature of our everyday activities, sometimes we put ourselves in situations that may harm our health. These dangers […]
Plans For Detoxing Your Body Detoxification is a natural process of driving the toxins from the body and curing several minor health disorders. It replaces the processed food by fresh organic fruits and veggies thereby filling the body with vital nutrients which it needs. Detox diet plans have been practiced […]