Towards Living A Healthy Lifestyle
Russell Crowe Weight Gain

10 Celebrities Living The Good Life Without Dieting

On the big screen, celebrities seem to be something not really of this world, looking perfect every second. But they’re just like us, with their own little guilty pleasures that aren’t always good for the figure.

We found 10 stars who think living life to the full is much better than dieting all the time, and they feel absolutely happy with themselves.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt

For 25 years the popular actress, singer songwriter and all-round entertainer says she was always conscious of being in an industry where appearances mattered! Where gaining an extra few pounds was tantamount to committing a cardinal sin. Unless of course they were needed for a particular movie role! However, since the birth of her two children, JLove has decided that being a mom is far more important than worrying about the 20 pounds she’s gained! Incidentally, she is still a healthy 123½ pounds and only slightly overweight for her height.

These days she embraces her curvy 38/26/38, 5ft 2in figure and 30GG or 30H cup size. And whilst she eats healthily as much as possible, she does indulge her love of pizza, cheeseburgers and other not so healthy foods more often that she used to!

Her rule of thumb when it comes to watching her weight? Do I really want my children to grow up thinking they have to be obsessed about their weight! We absolutely agree with you, JLove.

Eva Longoria

Eva Longoria

Does Eva Logoria stick to a diet or work out? Not currently, according to the actress herself! But when she does, she is a fan of running, pilates and yoga.

Speculation has been rife since the svelte star of former hit show Desperate Housewives put on a few pounds after marrying Mexican media mogul Jose Antonio Baston. Theories about the cause of the weight gain range from pregnancy to a stress related eating disorder brought on by kidnap fears! However, the sultry star has taken to social media to explain the truth behind the weight gain to family, friends and fans.

Despite what we’ve been reading and hearing, it seems her current vital statistics of 35/25/35 are simply the result of a holiday spent eating what she wants to eat, and enjoying herself doing so! As she put it herself “eating a lot of cheese, a lot of wine, a lot of pancakes.” So far from being a candidate for weight-loss surgery, as some sources have unkindly implied, at 117 lbs the buxom 5ft 2in star is only slightly overweight according to the BMI calculator! And enjoying every minute of life to boot!

Kelly Clarkson

Kelly Clarkson

At the tender age of 20, Kelly Clarkson looked like the world was at her feet. She’d just won American Idol, she looked great, and she was set for a great career in the music industry. Unfortunately with that type of success comes a lot of pressure. Most notably, the pressure to conform. And nothing says you’re conforming better than maintaining the right image, including body image!

Whilst Kelly was never overly concerned about being a bit bigger than many other young pop stars, there was nevertheless an unrelenting pressure to slim down a bit. So that’s what she did. She hit the gym, she exercised and she did lose weight. But the still popular pop star now admits that those ‘skinny’ years were some of the unhappiest of her life. And it was that unhappiness more than anything that led to her weight loss.

These days though, as a happily married mother of 2 small children, Kelly is comfortable with her current weight of 145 lbs and 38/29/38 sized figure. At just under 5ft 4in tall, the extra pounds may have brought her weight once again into the spotlight but Kelly shrugs the criticism off with class and style.

Russell Crowe

Russell Crowe

Who could ever forget Russell Crowe as the mighty Gladiator! A 5ft 10in ball of ripped toned muscle, honed to the point of perfection. But just as he got himself in gladiatorial shape for that movie, which netted him an Oscar for his troubles, the Kiwi come Australian is also more than happy to go the other way when required. As evidenced by the fact that he recently managed to get his weight up to 268 lbs for The Nice Guys!

He did drop over 50 lbs again just after filming ended but as recent public appearances indicate, he has still not quite gotten back into the same shape as his gladiator days! This however could be due to his ever-obliging willingness to do what it takes to get into the right character for his movie roles. He is currently filming Boy Erased: A Memoir with Nicole Kidman in which he plays a (portly) Baptist pastor.

And realistically, it must make a nice change for some of these famous personalities to be able to let it all hang loose and not have to worry about diet or working out for a bit! We’re sure Russell will manage to lose most of this weight gain as well once filming is over.

Tyra Banks

Tyra Banks

The famous super model has never cared much about what people think of her body. In 2007 she made her now famous ‘kiss my ass’ statement about ridiculing women with bodies that are not the perfect 10. Today she weighs 18 lbs more than she did in those days and she is still thumbing her nose at the naysayers.

Today she is also a mom raising a young son as well as a successful business owner. At 5ft 10in tall and weighing 141 lbs, her 37/24/36 figure still looks as gorgeous as ever! And whilst she may be heavier than she was a decade ago, Tyra Banks still works out with her personal trainer. She also eats healthily, incorporating a lot of fresh fruit into her diet. Especially papayas and mangoes, her two favourites. She also doesn’t do alcohol which helps keep her weight under control.

Kelly Osbourne

Kelly Osbourne

It must have been a hard life being raised in the middle of a sitcom series. We take our hat off to Kelly Osbourne for having come out the other side a reasonably sane person. But she’s had her fair share of ups and downs in life nevertheless. Particularly in the weight department. Never a particularly petite person, even though she only stands 5ft 5in in her bare feet, Kelly attracted unfavorable attention as a teenager due to her ‘plump’ proportions. This led to years of unhealthy crash dieting using an array of unhealthy and unsustainable weight loss methods, followed by weight gains.

At one point her weight was down to around 110 lbs. But she’s allowed it to creep back up again to a more sustainable, for her, 126 lbs. And with her ‎33/28/36 measurements we think she still looks great!

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel

His fitness workouts are the subject of numerous YouTube videos and men’s’ fitness magazine articles. So it’s safe to assume that if ever he suffers a temporary lapse of fitness, as he did a couple of years ago, Vin Diesel knows all the right moves to get himself fighting fit again pretty fast! Which may be why he was reportedly unconcerned about the less than flattering photos doing the rounds the last time he did allow himself to stack on a few excess pounds!

There is a fair bit of Vin Diesel to get fit too! The guy measures in at 6ft 1in tall and when fit, weighs 225 lbs! His famous biceps are reported to measure 18 inches in diameter.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet

Even though she’s on record as saying she hasn’t weighed herself for over a decade, star stat sites list Kate Winslet as being around 139 pounds. Which on her 5ft 6in frame makes for a curvy, voluptuous figure without being excessively overweight. A perfect 37/26/36 hourglass figure in fact! And the popular English actress says she’s more than happy with that.

Creating a positive self-image has been a necessity for the star of blockbusters like Titanic. Teased and bullied for both her weight and her career choices throughout her formative years, Kate came to the realisation very early in life that she had to rise above her tormentors. Today, she is a role model for youngsters who don’t fit preconceived notions of what is the norm.

The mother of three loves nothing more than spending time with her children instead of sweating it out in a gym or pounding pavements. Although sources also say she does exercise in moderation. It’s also widely known that she loves healthy, nutrient dense home cooking.

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

If there is something Jennifer Lawrence should be remembered for, over and above her sterling acting performances, it’s her stand on positive body image. The chameleon actress was told very early in her career to lose 15 pounds ‘or else’. She lost it and kept it off before deciding that she is what she is. And that it was time to take a stand for what she believes in. Which is that starving yourself so other people like what they’re looking at is not the right way to live your life!

Today the 27-year-old actress weighs around 139 lbs and is a relatively tall 5ft 9 inches. Her shapely 35/26/36 measurements make for a comfortably normal shape, although to those with a skewed perception of what is ‘normal’ that may appear overweight! However, one of Jennifer’s most fervent hopes is that one day what is seen as a normal body shape and weight for women will be something closer to reality that the current obsession with thin.



If ever there was a personality that lived up to the maxim ‘it’s your talents, not what you look like that really matters’, it’s British singer Adele! Talent notwithstanding, the curvy Brit has nevertheless been castigated for being overweight. And by those who should know better!

Adele has lost weight over the years; most notably in 2015 when she suddenly shed the pounds. Around 30 of them if the tabloids are to be believed! But ultimately she’s naturally a very curvy lady, and a reasonably tall one at 5ft 9in. She is also a mom and clearly feels comfortable being the weight she is!